Thursday, March 15, 2018

In our class we are very worried about the poluition on the seas and rivers, ...
So we made a curious experience in our class:

Goals: - Encourage children to be more aware in relation to your environment and make connections with the real world and enviromental issues.
- Understand how water can be contaminated, even if the pollution is not dramatically visible.

Material required:
- Large transparent containers;
- Glass;
- Red dye;
- Water

How we made:
We put clean water in a transparent bottle
We smell the water, but the water does not smell. Is Odorless!!!
Then we pollute this water by adding a little red food coloring...
 And the water turned red!
Then we added clean water, but it was difficult to make it clear

And then someone asked:  what would happen if the paint were poisonous or dangerous?
The red food coloring is stronger than water. Is the same with the poluiton...

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