Thursday, January 26, 2017

Kindergarten - room 4 

Some draws about the story "Once upon a time...
 Dinis - 5 years

 The boat and the herring in the seabed

 The herring with the old Neptune 

 Our special herring

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Discovery learning activity with Estonian story

Theme: Once upon a time...
Children age: 4-5 years

Objectives: The child is able to act independently for a short time in activities - discovering, exploring and experimenting. The child is able to feel free and act in improvise. The child can listen and is able to tell forward the story they heard, with adult help through questions. The child can tell what he/she sees, does and did do using 3-5 word sentences. The child reads 4 line poems by heart. The child knows that poems and music make up a song. The child can draw the fish and make art craft from natural material and artificial material.

Tools: chairs, blue fabrics, decorations made by children (ship masts, flag, salt barrel made of paper, torn paper as salt, gold coins from paper, fish hook from tree branches). Boys have sailors clothes, striped shirts, hats, captains hat. Girls are wearing head bands with fish pictures, bubble blower, straws, towels. The Neptune has linen and Neptune fork made of cardboard, fishing net. For art: paper, glue, scissors, tape, felt tip pens, oil pastels, template from fich, crayons, cardboard, rope, tree brances, signs, golden paper

Preparations: The teacher put ready the scenario, a book with poetry and song disc with the "Herring song". The teacher and the children make from chairs the shape of a ship and beside it on the floor blue and yellow fabric. One side of the room is the sea and the other side the beach. The children put ready the barrels for the salt and bubble blowers on the yellow fabric. Decoration "underwater world" was prepared in advance, and it is attached on the wall on the sea side. On the art tables the teacher and her assistant have put ready all the tools for art and handcraft and also sings with childrens names. The children will sit in their seats make some decorations and accessories (the fishes, golden coins, salt from paper, salt sings for the barrels, ship masts, flag, spyglass, the fish hooks, Neptunes crown, Neptunes fork) When all the decorations and accessories are ready they will be put on their places to set the scene fro the story

Activity: The song Once upon a time... is devided into 9 scenes. The teacher is reading scene by scene and the children will act as told in the story using all the made decorations and accessories.
Teacher is reading and the girls are playing herrings who are moving around on the beach. They can move only on the yellow fabric to keep away from the water.
Now the attention goes to the boys, to the sea and on ship. The fishes (girls) take bubble blowers and make bubbles on the beach. The boys are moving and making rowing moves and sound in the rhythm. The captain is steering the wheel, wheelman is watching with the spyglass to the land. The ship is moving to the beach.
3 and 4 scenes
The fishes (girls) are making bubbles and moving back and forward on the beach like cats. From them a young girl emerges, who is waving to the ship. The girl is dressed in a long dress, a head band and a bag full of golden coins. The ship land and the girl is buying barrel of salt with with one hundred golden coins. In the same time one herring is sneaking into the ship. The other fishes take off their head bands and throwing them in the sea and they start to fish with the fish hooks.
5 scene
The herring is starting to catch mice and rats on the ship, he girl who is playing it is squatting down
 and standing up by turns and holding in mouth mouse or rat. Then the herring starts to lick the salt in the barrels. It means that the girl is very cearfully ripping the paper from the ship. She rips it until there is a big hole in the ship.
6 scene
The girls who were fishing now put away the fishing hooks and take the blue fabric and start to waving it. The sailors and captain fall over on the ship and the girls are covering the ship with the blue fabric making waves in the same time.
7 scene
Now the Neptune emerges with the big fork. And gives the herring know what is her punishment for sinking the ship. Then the boys will play the fishermen and the girls fishes and trying to get away.
8 scene
The Neptune sais the last lines from the poem and hits the fork on the floor. The boys catch all the fishes (girls). The girls squat down and the boys a sprinkling the paper salt on them.
9 scene
The Neptune is emerging again and throus paper salt all over the sea (blue fabric). And they all together say the last line from the poem. Then they all stand up and bow and clap hands for each other.
Neptun tuleb uuesti merest välja ja viskab soola mööda merd laiali. Lapsed, seekord kõik
koos ütlevad luule viimase lause: “Ja sellest ajast tõsi see, on merevesi soolane”. Kõik
tõusevad püsti kummardavad ja plaksutavad üksteisele.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Discovery learning activity with Estonian story

Theme: "How the fox punished his tail"
Children age: 2-3 years old

Objectives: The child names the best-known forest animals and their characteristic features. The child knows that dogs are domestic animals. The child knows that dogs protect domestic animals from the other forest animals. The child monitors the fairy tale and is able to visualize its development. The child knows the fox's body parts and is able to show and tell what something is needed for. The child counts to three and is able to answers the question: how many there are?

Tools: real fox fur coat, mask for the teacher, hand puppet (dog), paper tail with cotton watt tip for each child.

The teachers and teacher assistant are staging the Estonian fairy tale "How the fox punished his tail". The teacher is dressed like a fox in pretty orange and wearing real fox fur coat and tail. The teachers assistant has hand puppet and is dog. The other teacher is storyteller. The teacher, who is dressed as a fox, is among children and acts as the story goes. At first the dog is chasing the fox (they run a little in the classroom) and the fox is running to the cave (the cave is a playing corner) to hide. There they start to ask what each body part was doing during the chase. And with children they also show the body part and mimic the activities. When they come to the tail, they all show how the tail goes hop to one side and hop to other side. And the puppet dog pulls every child tail (the cotton watt tip comes off easily) and ruffles them like a dog. The fairy tale game sparked exitement among the children.

The same activity can be done also outside.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

The name of Techirghiol

The name of Techirghiol
It is said that long ago in a village on the Black Sea lived an old crippled and almost blind man named Techir. The man did not have anyone just a donkey who help him at his works.
The summers were milder for Techir but the winters were very difficult because of bone pains which were increasingly painful from year to year.
Someday Techir decided to go to a healer in a near village, who could help him. The healer looked at Techir, opened his big book and said:
-         When man is in need he must trust his best friend and where his best friend will guide him, he will find the salvation!
Sad because of senseless words of the healer, Techir left at home without any hope. The donkey, who had many wounds from heavy work could not go very fast, so it was already night when suddenly the horse fell down in a sort of bad smelling mud. The animal was stuck in the mud and the old man had to go after his best friend to help him but the donkey didn't want to go out from there in any way.
In the morning Techir saw that they fell in a swamp which was pretty big . He find astonishing that the horse's wounds are almost cured and his legs are able to move more quickly and the pains are no longer so hard.
Remembering the words of the healer about "salvation", Techir thanked to his friend, the horse and came daily at the swamp and was bathing in it. Soon old Techir began to see better and his bone pains disappeared.
Glad it was cured Techir decided to move near the swamp. He built a large house and invited anyone who has healthy problems to come and try the therapeutic effects of the mud. When they heard the news, lots of people rushed to the shore of the sea at the swamp, bathing and putting mud all over their bodies so that they had been cured by their ills. Shortly an important settlement was formed on the shore of Black Sea in peace and good living named Techirghiol Lake after the old man’s name.

Imagine similară

The Old Dochia

The Old Dochia
           It is said that once long ago lived in a village a very hardworking woman but also very bad at heart called Dochia.
            Dochia had a son named Dragobete, who was her pride. But one day Dragobete got married with a girl against Dochia’s will.
            Angry with her son’s decision, Dochia sent her new daughter-in-law, in a winter day at the end of February, in the forest to wash some balls of black wool in the river and told her not to return home until the wool will not become white. The girl tried to wash it, but the wool not changed it color. In despair and with her hands frozen from the cold water of the river, the girl started to cry, thinking that she would never be able to see her loved husband again. But, suddenly, an old man appeared and gave her a flower, telling her to put it into the water and to wash the wool with it. As soon as she washed the wool as the old man said, it became white, so the girl happily returned home. 
            When Dochia has heard the story of the girl, she got angry and thought that the spring had come, since the man from the forest. named by girl Martisor, was able to offer flowers.
            She hurried to bake nine furnaces of bread and left in the mountain forests with her sheeps, being dressed in nine thick coats. As the weather changed fast, from cold to warm, Dochia started to eat one bread and to throw away one coat daily, one by one till last one. But weather changed again and became colder and colder and Dochia had no one coat in the ninth day to warm her. And so she was punished for her bad heart.
            Since then, the first nine days of March are considered days of a new beginning (spring) or Baba Dochia’s Days, since in these days the weather is so unpredictable as it was and Dochia.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Inquiry-base learning activity with Estonian story

Theme: Once upon a time...
Cildren age: 5-6 years

Objectives: The child can make co-operation for the same aim. The child can use magnifying glass. The child can tell the content of the poem in their own words. The child knows how to count. The child is able to combine a variety of materials in art work.

Tools: poem "Once upon a time...", pictures (herring, schooner), bowls with salt (on every table one), cups with water (on every table one), spoons (2 on each table), pieces of cardboard (for every child), magnifying glasses (for every child), drawing paper (for every child), water colors, coloured pencils, glue, scissors.

Preparations: Teacher puts on the tables bowls with salt, cups with water, spoons, pieces of cardboard and magnifying glasses. The children have heard the poem "Once upon a time..." before.

The children gather in the circle to sit. The teacher reads to them the poem "Once upon a time...", stopping in between and asking the children: "What happened next?". When the poem is over, there is a conversation to repeat what happend and can this happen in real life? Then the teacher asks the children to go and sit behind the tables.
Then every child raises salt with the spoon on their pieces of cardboard. The children look the salt and describe what they see. Then they observe the salt through the magnifying glass and describe what they see, and how is it different from the phenomenon with the naked eye.
The teacher asks: "What happened to the sea water when the herring chewed hole to the boat? We will try how much salt can fit to the cup with water and will it mix with the water!
Every table has to agree - who raises the water to the cup, who is mixing it, who is counting the spoonfuls - or will they take turns.
Every table will make saltwater and when they are finished they will tell by turns how many spoonfuls of water they put in, so that the salt did't dissolve anymore.
Then there is conversation how the water changed after salt was put in and why at one point salt no longer dissolved.
In the end every child can make art picture about herring living in the salty water. The background will be coloured with the water colors. With the glue they make waves and sprinkle with salt. To the other paper they draw herring, cut them out on glue on the water.