Thursday, February 23, 2017


In Estonia there is a firm that makes science shows, science hobby groups and you can also invite them to your birthday to make science experiments. And this firm is called Kolm Põrsakest (The Three Pigs).
This week Pirita Kindergraten celebrated their 29th birthday and during that we invited the science show to make a performance for our kids.

During the show the presenter showed us how the "Wolf" from Polystyrene foam melts in acetone:

How a tea bag becomes a rocket:

How to make elephant toothpaste:

What happens to dry ice and hot water together:

And when you add soap to it:

There were two wonderful performances (one for smaller children and one for bigger children) and all the children and teachers were suprised with the experiments!

Monday, February 20, 2017

The Old Dochia (romanian language)

Baba Dochia

            Se spune că odată demult traia intr-un sat o femeie foarte harnica dar si rea la inima, pe nume Dochia. Ea avea un fiu numit Dragobete, care era mândria ei. Dar intr-o zi Dragobete s-a casatorit cu o fata fara acordul Dochiei.
            Manioasa pe hotararea fiului, Dochia o trimise pe nora ei, intr-o zi de iarna, pe la sfarsitul lunii februarie, in padure sa spele niste gheme negre de lana la rau, cerandu-i sa nu se intoarca acasa pana ce lana nu va deveni alba.
            Fata a incercat sa albeasca lana dar aceasta nu-si schimba deloc culoarea. Disperata si cu mainile inghetate dela apa rece a raului, fata a inceput sa planga gandindu-se ca nu se va mai putea intoarce niciodata acasa sa-si vada sotul. Dar deodata, un om batran aparu si ii dadu o floare spunandu-i sa o puna in apa si sa spele lana cu ea. Din moment ce a spalat lana cum i-a spus batranul, aceasta s-a albit si fata s-a intors fericita acasa.
            Cand Dochia a auzit povestea fetei s-a infuriat si a crezut ca a venit primavara din moment ce omul, numit de fata Martisor, a putut sa daruiasca flori.
            Ea s-a grabit sa coaca noua cuptoare de paine si a plecat la munte cu oile, imbracata cu noua cojoace de lana. Cum vremea se schimba repede dela rece la cald Dochia a inceput sa manance in fiecare zi cate o paine si sa lepede cate un cojoc, tot asa unul cate unul pana la ultimul. Dar vremea s-a schimbat din nou, devenind din ce in ce mai rece, si Dochia nu mai avea nici un cojoc care sa o incalzeasca in cea de-a noua zi. Si astfel a fost pedepsita pentru sufletul ei rau.
            De atunci, primele noua zile ale lunii martie sunt considerate zilele unui nou inceput (primavara) sau Zilele Babei Dochia, deoarece in aceste zile, vremea este tot asa de imprevizibila cum a fost si Dochia.

The Old Dochia (english language)

The Old Dochia

            It is said that once long ago lived in a village a very hardworking woman but also very bad at heart called Dochia.
            Dochia had a son named Dragobete, who was her pride. But one day Dragobete got married with a girl against Dochia’s will.
            Angry with her son’s decision, Dochia sent her new daughter-in-law, in a winter day at the end of February, in the forest to wash some balls of black wool in the river and told her not to return home until the wool will not become white. The girl tried to wash it, but the wool not changed it color. In despair and with her hands frozen from the cold water of the river, the girl started to cry, thinking that she would never be able to see her loved husband again. But, suddenly, an old man appeared and gave her a flower, telling her to put it into the water and to wash the wool with it. As soon as she washed the wool as the old man said, it became white, so the girl happily returned home. 
            When Dochia has heard the story of the girl, she got angry and thought that the spring had come, since the man from the forest. named by girl Martisor, was able to offer flowers.
            She hurried to bake nine furnaces of bread and left in the mountain forests with her sheeps, being dressed in nine thick coats. As the weather changed fast, from cold to warm, Dochia started to eat one bread and to throw away one coat daily, one by one till last one. But weather changed again and became colder and colder and Dochia had no one coat in the ninth day to warm her. And so she was punished for her bad heart.
            Since then, the first nine days of March are considered days of a new beginning (spring) or Baba Dochia’s Days, since in these days the weather is so unpredictable as it was and Dochia.


The name of Techirghiol (romanian language)

Numele Techirghiolului

Se zice ca demult intr-un sat de la Marea Neagra traia un batran olog si aproape orb pe nume Techir. Omul nu avea pe nimeni doar un magar care-l ajuta la munca.
Verile erau ceva mai blande pentru Techir dar iernile erau foarte grele din cauza durerilor de oase care erau din ce in ce mai dureroase de la an la an.
Intr-o zi Techir se hotari sa mearga la un vindecator dintr-un sat apropiat care ar putea sa-l ajute. Vindecatorul il privi pe Techir, deschise o carte si ii spuse:
-           - Cand omul este la nevoie sa se increada in cel mai bun prieten si unde il va duce acesta, acolo este mantuirea.
Necajit din cauza cuvintelor fara sens ale vindecatorului, Techir pleca spre casa fara vreo speranta. Magarul care avea numeroase rani de la muncile grele nu putea merge repede si astfel era deja noapte cand deodata magarul cazu int-un fel de noroi urat mirositor. Animalul era impotmolit in noroi si batranul a trebuit sa intre dupa cel mai bun prieten sa-l ajute dar magarul nu voia sub nici o forma sa iasa de acolo.
Dimineata Techir vazu ca au cazut intr-o mlastina care era destul de mare. El a ramas uimit vazand ca ranile magarului sunt aproape vindecate si ca isi poate misca picioarele mult mai repede decat inainte iar durerile nu mai sunt asa de mari.   Amintindu-si vorbele vindecatorului Techir multumi prietenului sau magarul si veni zilnic la mlastina si se scalda in ea. Curand batranul Techir incepu sa vada mai bine iar durerile osoase i-au disparut.
Bucuros ca s-a vindecat Techir a hotarat sa se mute langa mlastina. A construit o casa mare si a invitat pe oricine sa vina si sa-si vindece problemele de sanatate. Cand au auzit vestea, multi oameni au venit la lac imbaindu-se si ungandu-si corpul cu namolul ce avea efecte terapeutice, vindecandu-se astfel . In scurt timp o importanta asezare s-a format in pace si trai linistit  pe malul Marii Negre,  numita Techirghiol dupa numele batranului.