Sunday, March 26, 2017

The name of Techirghiol

Writing skills activity "Show to the donkey the path till the lake!"
Age group: 3-4 years

The name of Techirghiol

Social science education
Age group: 3-4 years
Mud recipe: wheat flour, water, paints, stick
We decided to make our own mud because the real one has a bad smell

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Mathematics-Mail one-to-one

In our school we built a new game;

The Coats game 

Earth, Sea and Air

We made a game very funny with the ball, but we have to be very focused. One of us takes a ball and has to say: earth, sea or air. Who receives will say the name of an existing animal on earth, sea or air.

If we give the wrong answer or repeat a name we are out out the game!
 Seems easy, but it is not!! We have to be very quick to think and give the answer!!

Friday, March 24, 2017


Science education: "Which element could melt the ice faster?"
  - warm water,             salt,            vinegar,                   sodium bicarbonate,              sugar

Group age: 5-6 years old

The answer: The warm water is the element which melts the ice faster than others, followed by vinegar, salt, sugar and finally the sodium bicarbonate which has a lower impact over the ice.

Today we  visited a pedagogical farm and it was very fun and interesting...

 We saw  donkeys...

 We put our hands on the donkeys´s hair

We saw sheeps... a spcial ones - Typical racev from our region: Churra.

And we saw the men shearing the sheep

 It was very interesting!!!

We also made bread with our hands
 It was really fun!

And we did sowing

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Old Dochia

Teaching materjal - natural colored wool from Hiiumaa
Science Education
Age grupp 6-7

Old Dochia

Science Education: "How it looks the wool?"
Age group - 3-4 years
Teaching material - natural wool
 "It is soft"
 "You could sleep on it"
 "It is like a pillow"
"It tickles me"