CHILDREN AGE: 6-7 years
- The child is able to assess the purity of water. The child knows that we have to use and maintain water sparingly.
- The child is able to discuss how we can save nature.
- Measurement of liquid with the agreed unit of measurement. The child is able to compare the quantities (the amount of dirt on the filter).
USED MATERIALS, TOOLS: bottles for collecting water and snow, transparent cups, white coffee filters, magnifying glasses, papers, pencils.
PREPARATIONS: Teacher has to prepare the trips path to the river and to the sea. And organize other needed materials.
Teacher reads the story "Lope (Floepje in Estonia) and water" to the children. Children tell together a the story with their own words and discuss the content of the story. Have children seen trash in the nature? How did it got there? What can we do to prevent garbage from getting into nature? What can children do to save water?
The teacher is telling that today we will compare the purity of water and to collect water we will go for a little trip. The teacher is explaining the objectives of the hike and agrees on the rules how to behave in hiking.
In front of the kindergarten the children gather snow for melting. They observe and touch - which is snow? Where it comes from? What it consists?
Then they hike to the riverside, where they take a water sample with bottle. They observe and describe the river and which is the river water at the moment, why is part of the river frozen and other part not?
Then they move to the seaside and take a sample of water from the sea. They observe the sea, compare it with river. Which is sea water, how is it with ice?
Back in kindergarten the children measure equal amount melted snow water, river water, sea water and tap water into transparent cups. They observe with naked eye and with magnifying glasses the water darkness and sort the cups according to the darkness of the water
The different waters will be poured through filters and then they examine the sediment left on filters. The children compare the amount of dirt left on filters.
In a joint discussion round they talk, what they found from water? Which from the water can drink and what not?