Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Legend of Rocha Beach

Group age 4-5 years
Children listened the legend and they wanted to find out:
Questions: 1.What color has her hair? It has the same hair color as Little Mermaid?
                  2.  Can she walk?
(all questions have been written by the teacher on the flip chart)
The class divided in two groups:
Group1 - try to find the answer for question 1
Group2 - try to find the answer for question 2
Didactic activities
Group1. Library Center
Teaching material: computer images
Working materials: coloring pencils, A0 paper

 The answer of the questions 1:
She is not The Little Mermaid so her hair is not red, it could be yellow. Surely this mermaid is a blonde one!

Group 2 - Physical Education

 The answer of the questions 2:
It is impossible to walk if your legs are tight or it are glued. Therefore the Mermaid could not walk.


  1. O tema ambitioasa adaptata varstei cu rezultate interesante pentru dezvoltarea piticilor. Foarte frumos! Tineti-o tot asa! Mult succes!
