What is the water? - Inquiry based learning activity using active teaching methods
Age groups:4- 5 years old
4 working groups: brainstorming, inquiry, experiments, vak method
It has no colour!It is transparent!
It has no smell!
The project objective is to use traditional stories to teach and learn through innovative methods. We will use new method (inquiry-based learning) and familiar method (outdoor education and discovery learning) to enhance children motivation to be active learners and in the same time increasing teachers professional competences.
Bravoo! Foarte interesant si foarte interesati au fost copii si de aceasta tema. Abia asteapta sa vada plantuta cu floare (dorinta Amaliei)! Multumim pentru idei si modul de transmitere a cunostintelor. E un sentiment foarte placut cand copilul vine acasa si iti povesteste entuziasmat despre ce a invatat la gradinita. Mult succes!
ReplyDeleteMaura Ignat
Multumim pentru aprecieri!