- The child makes difference between good and bad behavior. The child acts purposefully. The child is able to concentrate for half an hour. The child uses discussion dialogue.
- The child knows and describes local home and forest animals, birds, bugs and plants. The child knows and names natural sites in their home area (river, swamp, forest).
- The child can tell the story, the sequence of events, causes and behavior of the characters through adult guided questions. The child can discuss and express own opinion.
- The child can count, name previous/following number, knows numerals. The child knows terms heavy, lightweight. The child can estimate distance by eye, measure length and width with agreed measuring instruments (glass, cups). The child compares and sorts up to 5 objects by size.
- The child uses creatively geometric shapes. The child can make from modeling clay small and mini sculpture, modelling from one or several pieces and make it one whole.
USED MATERIALS, TOOLS: modeling clay, illustrative materials, nature pictures, magnifying glasses, notebooks, backpacks, camera, flashlights.
PREPARATIONS: 2 activities: first activity in grouproom listening the story, modelling and discussing the story and second activity in forest walking, noticing surrounding and exploring with magnifying glasses. The teacher puts ready all needed materials for the kids, pictures from the story characters, modelling clay and modelling bases. To taking into the forest magnifying glasses and camera.
The teacher reads the Belgium story "Ant has a problem". Because the children can and really love modelling, they will try this time to make mini-sculpture from bugs, to make it from one piece modelling clay. The teacher shows at first how to do it. After that the children sit behinde the tables and model snail, ant, bee, cherry or cricket. At the same time the teacher reads the story and stops on the key questions and asks them. The children answer. All who want to answer get the opportunity. The teacher observes that all children who want will get the opportunity to answer. They also discuss answers. Teacher writs up children discussions and more interesting arguments. The mini-sculptures that are ready will be put on a base with the childs name in exhibition.
After that the children dress, back the backbags and go to the forest walk with the teachers. They make stops and notice surrounding nature, trees and earth. From the backbags they take magnifying glasses and explore interesting things, searching for bugs and plants, tree and bush buds. Because our nature is under the snow we will see the first pieces of grass and moss. It is interesting to find spring awakening or first movements in nature. On the walk in the forest the children touch the trees, feeling the bark roughness or smoothness with hands, touching big stones, branches and so on. The children determine different materials, name them and describe what they see and what they feel with hands. They compare trees sizes, length, width and shape. When they talk about snails, ants, crickets and bees the children know that they are sleeping and they will wake up when spring is here. Outside they can do the bugs sounds and listen the sounds of the forest and be very quiet. While walking we can hear different sounds, like snow under our boots, braking ice, water guggle, water squelching or braking of the branches. The children tell what they see and show other children and teachers. During the conversations they discuss the Belgium story and the children answer what did the ant learn. We also learn what the children learned from the story. The children gives examples from their own problems and experiences.
- At first the ant felt bad but then he was good and kind
- If somebody wants to help then take it
- The others have to get a fee for helping
- If somebody helps you, then you have to help them, thats why he had to make that they get something sweet to eat
- The ant found out that you have to be kind
- Rude
- Cruel
- Bad
- Meanie
- He wants it for himself because he doesn´t want others germs
- He wants to eat it by himself
- Because he is enviou

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