- The child knows that everybody needs pure water for life.
- The child knows that it is important to drink water and also in kindergarten.
- The child knows that throwing garbage will pollute the nature.
- The child discovers where garbade has been thrown.
- The child knows that garbage is thrown into the trash bin.
USED MATERIALS, TOOLS: paper, gouache colors, colored paper, scissors, tack tape, from nature brought branch, trashbags, blue gloves for sorting the trash.
1. Teacher reads the Belgium story "Lope (Floepje in Estonia) and water" in the classroom. The teacher explains how important is pure water for us and for nature to have good and happy life. The story was read to the children several times during the week so they would remember it.
2. Teacher with children discuss the importants of water to us and how much should we drink it every day. After that they make a table where they mark how much water every child drinks during the days and in the end of the week they will see who has been the best water drinker.
3. The children draw a pond according to the story where Lope lives. From forest trip they brought a branch and they glue leaves on it. They put the branch next to the pond and discovered that the leaves fall to the pond. But they will not make the bond water dirty because the leaves are part of nature and will molder.

4. The teacher goes to the riverside with the children to collect trash that people have thrown. They bring trashbags with them. The children discover that in some places there are more trash then in others. They also learn that you have to have special gloves to collect trash because the trash is dirty (it may have bad bacteria or diseases on it), you don´t know what is on it and also you can´t touch it with your own gloves. The children recognize that there are many stupid people who are throwing trash on the ground and becuse of it the animals can become sick and die. So they learned: THROW THE TRASH INTO THE TRASH BIN!
On the pictures trash they found!
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